Saturday, 18 February 2012

Tanzania - Creative Print Workshop

 Presentations evening 17.2 - On Friday night we got together at the Arusha Masai Cafe for an evening of presentations. With about 9 people registered for the workshop only 4 turned up but it was a great evening of presenting each other's works on the projector. None of the participants are professionals but there were some amazing photographs to be seen. No power cuts - a rare thing in these parts and the discussions continued until around 10pm.

Vernon with my catalogue

Colour, Print, Profiles and Coatings 18.2 - Saturday morning we started with the colour management - calibrating all the laptop monitors they had and showing them how important it is to have a balanced display using the Datacolor Spyder Elite. Thanks to Sami Eskonlahti from Suomen Interfoto in Finland and Datacolor for their support in the project!

Then we moved on to building custom profiles - had some difficulty with the older version of the software on my Mac and downloaded an update for tomorrow's session. Still, printing through Qimage with different profiles they got an idea how important it is to have a correct profile to get a good result.

Profiling monitors

Reading the target with the Datacolor hardware

Reading the target for profiling

Next we moved on to hand coating - thanks to support from InkAid we had a variety of coatings for the locally made hand made papers, Japanese papers and Tyvek I brought from home.

Emmanuel Kichere applying gelatin to Washi paper on a support sheet

Emmanuel coating Japanese paper

InkAid coating on Tyvek

The outdoor studio

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Emmanuel Kichere coating with InkAid

Torrential rain and a power cut lasted throughout the afternoon just when we didn't need electricity and came back on when the coatings were dry so that we got all the Japanese papers printed.

Happy printers!

Emmanuel Kichere preparing files to print

Vernon's print

Emmanuel Kichere's print of buffalo

Emmanuel's Washi paper print

Vernon and his print on Washi paper

Great to have an enthusiastic bunch to work with - inspired choice of prints and fast learners! At the end of the day I could more or less leave them on their own to set up the prints on the Epson 9900.


  1. Looks like you are really hard at work over there. Here it feels like nature really wants us to stay indoors and hibernate a good while longer - looking through the window I only see moving white spirals. Have a lovely day, I´ll jump into my winter overall and dive into the blizzard once more. Looking forward to see more news from the warmer climate these coming days.

  2. Good to see the busy group and fine results! Congratulations to you all! As Tarja mentioned, the nature takes over here. Just picked up the Sunday paper and could hardly see the car that yesterday was dug up under the pile of snow! Hibernation is definitely continuing a while and now a good cup of coffee will add to the feeling of luxury being inside! Still got some seeds for the birds, they really appreciate! Yes, we are all looking forard to the entertaining news !!!


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