Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Uzbekistan - Of Bazaars and Birthdays

It seems quite impossible to get to bed in Tashkent much before 5am. What with taxi trips to the airport to pick up friends arriving at 2am - getting back into the city - having a welcome drink and a chat, I've never really reached my pillow before the sun has started to rise.

On Tuesday, Kristiina, Julji and I headed into Chorzu bazaar via the metro. At the entrance to the station our bags were checked and passports and visa's inspected and a clear message that pictures are not allowed. This was my second time at Chorzu - and a chance to look around again and have time on my own. It takes a while to find your way into quiet corners and find the intimacy you need to make connections with the people in such bustling environments. In one of the clothing malls, away from the burning sun I found myself being invited into small boutiques, left alone to browse around; the vendors quite happy to be photographed.

Later in the afternoon we went to some friends of Rene's - a house near Brakit where the workshop was held - old streets with wonderful houses hidden behind tall walls and steel doors. By now we are 7 with Rene, Christian, Kristiina, Julji, Hassan, Reudi, and myself forming the main group including at least for a day or so still, Edgars and Janis - from Latvia.

German and friends




The party was for Ayouma - 23 and we sat around the yard eating, drinking and dancing until late. 

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